Distribution Planner
While evaluating what to do with your plan balance is an important
decision to make, it doesn't have to be a stressful one.
Once you have reviewed the Distribution Calculator, you'll have a better idea
of what options you have -- and how to compare them. The Distribution
Calculator can help you decide which option is most beneficial to you.
Deciding which distribution option is right for you will require careful
consideration. As you review the benefits of each option, you'll want to
evaluate whether or not it meets several criteria. You will want to ask
yourself if it will (check those options important to you):
The calculators provide hypothetical examples and are not intended to represent past or future performance
of a specific investment which cannot be predicted or guaranteed, or to provide specific advice to any
individual. Rates of return will vary over time.
Those investments offering a higher rate of return also involve a higher degree of risk.